Mental Health Resources
American Psychological Association
APA is the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the U.S. Their website offers educational information on a variety issues related to emotional wellness:
American Psychological Association Psychology Topics
Understanding Psychotherapy and How It Works
Florida Psychological Association
FPA is the largest professional organization for psychologists in the state of Florida. The organization offers a public website with educational information:
Mental Health Florida
International Obsessive Compulsive Foundation
IOCDF provides education and support to those with OCD, as well as their families. There is a wealth of information about OCD and treatment services across the country:
International Obsessive Compulsive Foundation
What is OCD
Mental Health Association of Central Florida
This organization provides support, referrals and mental health services to the central Florida community.
Mental Health Association of Central Florida
Psychology Today
Psychology Today has been publishing its bimonthly magazine since 1967. Along with its website, it is a vast resource on human behavior and behavioral science.
Psychology Today
Mindfulness Research and Practice
Research over the past 10-20 years has shown that mindfulness can improve physical health, increase attention, as well as reduce anxiety, depression and emotional reactivity. Information on mindfulness and its practice is usually easy to find, but the following websites are connected to universities who are studying and teaching how mindfulness practice is beneficial. Both websites offer free guided practice.
UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center
UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness